Injured from perfoming daily activities

Were you injured at home? Did you slip and fall? Do you have low back pain from gardening, shoveling snow, carrying children or lifting strollers? A wide range of injuries can occur doing daily activities. Don't just take the pain; call us now to connect with a doctor and begin feeling better as soon as possible.

Common gardening injuries and how to avoid them

Backache - Too many hours spent bent over while seeding, weeding, watering and so forth can lead to a very sore back, as can hauling big sacks of product or wheelbarrows full of soil or rocks. Always bend at the knees (not the waist) when lifing, and use arm and thigh muscles to push and pull heavy objects, as opposed to using your back. If a load is too heavy, lighten it and make more than one trip, or recruit someone else to help you lift or pull.

Also consider using long-handled tools since you won't need to bend over as far and use slow, deliberate movements instead of rough or jerky ones. Tools with smaller blades that weigh less may also help you avoid straining your muscles.

Aside from using the correct posture and tools, take frequent breaks and walk around and stretch, as staying in the same position for too long can contribute to a sore back later that night or the next morning.

Repetitive strain - As is the case with typing, repetitive motion can lead to sore muscles in your arms, hands, shoulders and neck. Prevent this problem by alternating tasks in your garden so that you are not working on the same one for extended periods of time. As is the case with avoiding a sore back, stand up and stretch at least every hour. Also be sure to set realistic goals for yourself so that you don't rush to try complete a huge project in a short period of time, which can cause you to over-work and lead to injuries and pain.

Common Snow Shoveling Injuries

The research team looked at snow shoveling injuries and medical emergencies in the U.S. from 1990 to 2006 using information from a national database. During that time, about 195,000 people in the U.S. were treated in a hospital emergency room for a snow shoveling injury.

Among the study findings:

  • Overworking your muscles, falling, and being hit with the shovel were the most common reasons for getting hurt.

  • Muscle, ligament, tendon, and other soft tissue injuries topped the list of snow shoveling mishaps. Among these, lower back injuries were common.

  • Other common snow shoveling injuries included cuts and broken bones. The arms and hands were the most likely body regions to sustain a bone fracture.

  • Heart-related problems made up only 7% of snow shoveling injuries. However, all deaths due to snow shoveling were caused by heart problems.

  • Contact the police. They will let you know if an officer needs to be present at the scene.

  • Adults over 55 were 4.25 times more likely than younger people to have heart-related symptoms while shoveling.

    Got injured?

    CALL NOW!!! 888-760-0888 FOR INJURY SPECIALISTS!!!

    Minor fall injuries

    A minor fall can result in many types of injury It takes surprisingly little force for someone, even a healthy adult, to suffer a brain injury. Similarly, a spinal cord injury can occur under circumstances that we encounter every day, such as going up or down stairs. It is not unheard of that slip and fall accidents may even lead to loss of life.

    You won't accept anything but the most accurate and thorough medical care for your slip and fall injury

    Causes of Slip-and-Fall Accidents

    A slip-and-fall accident can occur nearly anywhere, on public or private property, indoors or outdoors. A slip-and-fall injury can occur because of hazards such as:

  • Adverse weather conditions (ice, snow or rain)

  • Uneven sidewalks

  • Potholes

  • Poorly lit or unmarked pathways or stairs

  • Slippery tiling

  • Unbalanced flooring

  • Obstructions on the floor or walkway

  • Rippled carpet

  • Our Specialty Services

  • Complimentary transportation provided

  • State of the art rehabilitation center

  • Latest treatments/modalities

  • Pain management - trigger point injections

  • Fluoroscopy - Epidural Steroid Injections (ESI)

  • Multi-lingual staff